Cleaning business premises isn’t just about keeping up appearances, it’s vital to continued success.
Never more so is this apparent than in the leisure industry.
KCS has been the cleaner of choice for Napoleons Casino in Hull city centre for many years, making sure the clientele arrive every evening to be greeted by excellence.
KCS’s managing director Sean Carrison said: “We’ve worked with Napoleons for several years now, always delivering a great service.
“The casino has a reputation to uphold for cleanliness and presenting the right image and it has to remain so day in, day out.
“We like our association with the casino as one of Hull’s most successful and vibrant night spots. The pressure is the same every day, the place has to be open and it has to be immaculate – we aim for nothing less all the time.”
But KCS’s daily cleaning contracts aren’t just limited to leisure facilities, the company works with a broad range of clients to ensure their premises are up to scratch every day.
KCS has ongoing contracts with car dealers Stoneacre in the east of the city and Northside Mercedes-Benz on Priory Park.
Sean said: “Working with car manufacturers always offers unique challenges – the pristine, glistening showrooms don’t magically get to the excellent conditions the general public see them in.
“A lot of hard work and dedication goes on to get the showrooms sparking. We work directly with the clients and always make sure we are delivering above the expectations.”